Monday, October 5, 2009


GUESS WHAT! For my daughters 6th birthday she has got the "piggy flu!" Yep!!! Seems it is going around in her kindergarten class, and lucky us! (NOT!) Seems as of now she has given it to dear old mom.... THANKS Sweetheart!! All 6 of us are on Tamiflu.

I did have a somewhat productive day, though! (Before I started feeling BLAH about 2 hours ago, and running a fever!) I made a HUGE crock pot full of vegetable soup, which we ate on at 2 meals... and there is still PLENTY to have another meal. I also made 2 loaves of Amish Friendship bread... they both made the house smell SO YUMMY, and with the weather outside here today, it officially was FALL!!!!

It might be a few days before I post again.... this little piggy germ has 6 of us to run through. Just say a prayer!!

Oh, that is a pig my dear baby is trying to feed! Thought I would make and attempt to be funny!!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry ya'll are down with the flu! First time I heard it called "piggy" flu...does sound so much better than swine! LOL! We have been lucky so far in our part of NC. Lots of flu, but no "piggy flu" so far! Hope you all are feeling MUCH better soon! :)

    Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog! It is always a pleasure to "meet" fellow Carolina Bloggers! You have a great blog yourself!

    Oh, and hope your daughter especially feels better soon! That is no fun being sick on your B'day! ~Rhonda :)
